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Note to future me — Adding GraphQL to an app

Adding the library to the app see commit 03bd7a7534f7a23276fc47c4f7c94d7ac153bc0b

Adding the library to the app see commit 03bd7a7534f7a23276fc47c4f7c94d7ac153bc0b

  • plugin
  • dependencies

Making a service


Adding the service to the app

  • adding a query
  • adding the schema a5a47f0ff45f6bc5d5a3aa6f1fee50af363f7893
  • getting access to the service
  • calling the service

Some pointers on query syntax


`sudo apollo-codegen introspect-schema https://api.blargh.com/graphql — header “Authorization: Bearer xxxx” — output schema.json`

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